Wednesday, April 9, 2008

M.B.T. Trunk Show this Saturday!

Pinner Girl here! Like my drawing? haha! That's just how much I love my MBT's!

I hope you'll swing by on Saturday and join us for our MBT Trunk Show. Our MBT representative Fred Bright will be here all day to answer your questions, and if you stop by from 11 - 3, there will even be an MBT trainer in-store to give consultations, fitness tips, and practice in your new MBT physiological footwear. There's even a free gift with purchase! If you've been waiting to buy the shoe that everyone has been buzzing about, now is the time.

If you're a die-hard MBT wearer or just curious and want to learn more, Saturday is the day we will have all hands on deck to answer questions and demonstrate these incredible shoes.

See you then, and stay tuned this week for more info on MBT, our shoe line of the week!